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    Products 4717
    Ref.: I176MH
    Videoportero AIPHONE™ GT-1M-LAIPHONE™ GT-1M-L Audio/Video HandsetIntercomunicador principal con monitor color y auricular. The GT-1M-L is a color audio/video handset tenant station for use with the GT multi-tenant entry system. A max of 500 stations can be used in a system.
    AIPHONE™ GT-202H Rain Hood [I176VD]
    AIPHONE™ GT-202H Rain Hood [I176VD]
    Ref.: I176VD
    Visera AIPHONE™ GT-202HAIPHONE™ GT-202H Rain HoodVisera para 2 columnas de 2 módulos. 2 horizontal x 2 vertical rain hood.
    Ref.: I176CD
    Caja AIPHONE™ GT-202HBAIPHONE™ GT-202HB Hooded Surface BoxCaja de superficie con visera para 2 columnas de 2 módulos. 2 horizontal x 2 vertical hooded surface box.
    AIPHONE™ GT-203H Rain Hood [I176VT]
    AIPHONE™ GT-203H Rain Hood [I176VT]
    Ref.: I176VT
    Visera AIPHONE™ GT-203HAIPHONE™ GT-203H Rain HoodVisera para 2 columnas de 3 módulos. 2 horizontal x 3 vertical rain hood.
    Ref.: I176CT
    Caja AIPHONE™ GT-203HBAIPHONE™ GT-203HB Hooded Surface BoxCaja de superficie con visera para 2 columnas de 3 módulos. 2 horizontal x 3 vertical hooded surface box.
    Ref.: I176MF
    Videoportero AIPHONE™ GT-2C-LAIPHONE™ GT-2C-L Indoor StationIntercomunicador principal con monitor color y audio manos libres. GT-2C-L from AIPHONE™ is a monitor apartment master station. The master station with the recording function can be connected with 3 security lines and an emergency button. If a connected sensor detects a break-in, or an emergency button is pressed, the alarm will be triggered after the set time.
    Ref.: I176EC
    Videoportero AIPHONE™ GT-2H-LAIPHONE™ GT-2H-L Audio/Video HandsetIntercomunicador secundario con monitor color y audio manos libres. It is an audio/video hands free tenant sub master for use with the GT-2C master. Up to three GT-2H sub masters can be connected to each GT-2C master in the system.
    Ref.: I176CX
    Caja AIPHONE™ GT-303HBAIPHONE™ GT-303HB Hooded Surface BoxCaja de superficie con visera para 3 columnas de 3 módulos. 3 horizontal x 3 vertical hooded surface box.
    Ref.: I176CE
    Caja AIPHONE™ GT-4BAIPHONE™ GT-4B BackboxCaja empotrar para 4 módulos.4 module backbox for GF/GH systems.
    Ref.: I176MM
    Marco AIPHONE™ GT-4FAIPHONE™ GT-4F Front FrameMarco metálico frontal para 4 módulos.4 module front frame for the GT system.
    Ref.: I176D4
    Distribuidor AIPHONE™ GT-4ZAIPHONE™ GT-4Z AdaptorDistribuidor de vídeo para 4 apartamentos.4 monitor distribution adaptor for the GT system. Maximum of 6 GT-4Z's per trunk line.
    Ref.: I176CA
    Módulo AIPHONE™ GT-ACAIPHONE™ GT-AC Access KeypadMódulo con teclado para control de accesos.The GT-AC is an access keypad module for the GT multi-tenant entry panels. It will hold up to 100 codes for access. The GT-AC provides 2 dry contact relays. N/O dry contact for door release and N/C dry contact for mag lock activation.
    Ref.: I176AD
    Módulo AIPHONE™ GT-ADAIPHONE™ GT-AD ModuleMódulo para dirección.Address Module.
    Ref.: I176U
    Unidad de Control AIPHONE™ GT-BCAIPHONE™ GT-BC Audio Control UnitUnidad electrónica de control de audio.GT-BC Audio bus control unit fo the GT system. 1 per standard system.
    Ref.: I176UA
    Unidad de Control AIPHONE™ GT-BCXAIPHONE™ GT-BCX Audio Control UnitUnidad electrónica de control de audio para sistema ampliado.Audio control unit for the expanded GT system. 1 per system when using more than 5 entrances, 2 concierge stations, or 48 tenant stations. Mounting rail included.
    Ref.: I176AP
    Interfono AIPHONE™ GT-DAIPHONE™ GT-D Door StationPlaca de sólo audio (plástico, superficie) para conexión local a GT-2H-L / GT-2C-L. The GT-D is an audio only door station for use at an individual tenant door station when using the GT-2C tenant station. The door station can also be used with the JP-4MED master station.
    Ref.: I176MA
    Módulo AIPHONE™ GT-DA-L de AudioAIPHONE™ GT-DA-L Audio ModuleMódulo de audio. Audio speaker module with guidance for the GT entrance panel.
    Ref.: I176PE
    Videoportero AIPHONE™ GT-DMAIPHONE™ GT-DM Main PanelPlaca de entrada de acero completa, con audio/vídeo, teclado y pantalla LCD.It is an all-in-one stainless steel entrance panel with audio, video, name scroll, and keypad. The new camera has a 170° viewing angle with PanTilt & Zoom. Voice annunciation when the visitor calls in. The LCD can be set to Energy Saver mode and the built-in motion sensor will activate the LCD when a visitor approaches. The keypad will support up to 500 access codes for keyless entry.
    Ref.: I176PA
    Panel AIPHONE™ GT-DP-LAIPHONE™ GT-DP-L Front PanelPanel para GT-DA-L.Front panel cover for the GT-DA-L guidance enabled voice module.
    Ref.: I176AT
    Auricular AIPHONE™ GT-HSAIPHONE™ GT-HS Audio HandsetAuricular telefónico (opcional) para GT-2H-L, GT-2C-L y GT-1C-L. The GT-HS is used to add a privacy handset to the GT-1C, GT-2C, or GT-2H tenant stations.
    Ref.: I176CC
    Central AIPHONE™ GT-MKAIPHONE™ GT-MK Concierge/Guard StationCentral de intercomunicación para conserjería. The GT-MK is used to communicate with a GT entrance panel or individual tenant stations. It can be included in either an audio only or audio/video system. The unit features a door release button, ten key dialing for calling and a VFD display for individual name scrolling. Up to 4 GT-MK stations can be used in a system.
    Ref.: I176MP
    Pantalla AIPHONE™ GT-NSAIPHONE™ GT-NS Scroll ModuleMódulo de pantalla LCD para visualización de apartamentos.Digital scroll module with LCD for GT entrance panel.
    Ref.: I176PN
    Panel AIPHONE™ GT-NSP-LAIPHONE™ GT-NSP-L Front CoverPanel para GT-NS.Front cover for GT-NS digital scroll module.
    Ref.: I176ER
    Relé AIPHONE™ GT-RYAIPHONE™ GT-RY RelayRelé para señalización externa de llamada.Light control and external signaling relay for the GT system.