Fingertip Capture Biometric USB [USB-BIO]
Biométrico de Enrolamiento USBFingertip Capture Biometric USBLector externo de huella dactilar para dar de alta las huellas en el sistema mediante conexionado USB a un PC con un cliente SW instalado. Soporta la mayoría de los sistemas operativos Windows™ y dispone de SDK para desarrollar.Fingerprint Enrollment Station Reader is a stable and excellent fingerprint reader. The device can capture fingerprint image and upload to the PC by USB interface. USB-BIO Fingerprint Enrollment Station Reader supports most of the Windows OS, including Window xp, vista and Windows 7(32bit). We provide developer with SDK. The developer can integrate the USB-BIO Fingerprint Enrollment Station Reader hardware with their own system. This product is widely used in social insurance, public security, time attendance, fingerprint encryption, embedded system and other fields of application.