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    Products 4717
    COMPACT™ UMX-2SB Module [A441SB]
    COMPACT™ UMX-2SB Module [A441SB]
    Ref.: A441SB
    Módulo COMPACT™ UMX-2SBCOMPACT™ UMX-2SB ModuleMódulo para subdivisión de zonas de altavoces (16 / 8A+8B) con control individual de volumen, insertable en matriz digital de audio (4 slot). Dos salidas de audio (simétricas por transformador) con nivel 0 dB / 600 ohm y control de prioridad (conectores RJ45). Medición del estado de las líneas de altavoces y de los amplificadores. Control de volumen (independiente para cada salida), graves y agudos controlado mediante panel frontal o equipo remoto. 16 salidas de subzona con seguridad de avisos (inhibe atenuadoras si hay un aviso) y posibilidad de funcionar como 8 salidas A/B. Ajuste individual de volumen del programa musical por subzona. En caso de avería del amplificador de avisos, el de música puede actuar de amplificador de respaldo (backup). Contacto de salida para indicar avería en amplificador o línea de altavoces. Module with speaker subzone outputs (16 / 8A+8B) with individual volume adjustment, to be inserted in digital audio matrix (4 slot). Two audio outputs with 0 dB sensitivity and priority control output (RJ45 connectors). Measure of the status of speakers line and amplifier. Independent audio level adjustment for each output. Volume controls, bass and treble, controlled through the frontal keyboard and/or PC. 16 subzone outputs ready to control volume controls with security paging option and possibility of operation as 8 subzones output A/B. Individual volume adjustment of music, for subzone. If paging amplifier fails, music amplifier can work as backup amplifier. Output contact to indicate failure in amplifier or loudspeakers line.
    COMPACT™ UMX-EA3 Board [A471EA3]
    COMPACT™ UMX-EA3 Board [A471EA3]
    Ref.: A471EA3
    Tarjeta COMPACT™ UMX-EA3COMPACT™ UMX-EA3 BoardTarjeta con 2 entradas de audio con prioridad insertable en matriz digital de audio (1 slot). Con 2 entradas independientes, una con RJ45 y otra con doble conector RJ45 y XLR, potenciómetros para ajuste fino de la sensibilidad de entrada, configuración de zonas a las que se mandan los avisos al activarse la prioridad (PTT/VOX) de cada entrada, salida de ACK para indicar zonas seleccionadas y canal de audio abierto. Sensibilidad configurable: AUX H (0 dB), AUX L (-20 dB), MIC (-60 dB). Filtro de palabra para la sensibilidad de micrófono. Card with 2 audio inputs with priority to be inserted in digital audio matrix (1 slot). With 2 independent inputs, one with RJ45 and the other with two connectors, RJ45 and XLR, potentiometer for audio level adjustment, possibility to pre-set the zones for each input, activated by priority contact or by VOX, signal of activated zones (acknowledge) that allows the synchronisation with external desks. Configurable sensitivity: AUX H (0 dB), AUX L (-20 dB), MIC (-60 dB). Speech filter for the microphone sensitivity.
    COMPACT™ UMX-MC6 Board [A441MC6]
    COMPACT™ UMX-MC6 Board [A441MC6]
    Ref.: A441MC6
    Tarjeta COMPACT™ UMX-MC6COMPACT™ UMX-MC6 BoardTarjeta para subdivisión de zonas de altavoces (6) con control general de volumen, insertable en matriz digital de audio (1 slot). Salidas de subzona con seguridad de avisos (inhibe atenuadoras si hay un aviso). Peso: 300 g.Card with 6 speakers subzone outputs with general volume control to be inserted in digital audio matrix (1 slot). Subzone outputs ready to control attenuators with security paging option.
    Contact Smart Card Docking Station [88917]
    Contact Smart Card Docking Station [88917]
    Ref.: 88917
    Codificador Chip de ContactoContact Smart Card Docking StationEstación de carga (codificador) para tarjetas de chip de contacto.Docking station (encoder) for contact chip cards.
    COOPER™ 414CTF Magnetic Contact [414CTF]
    COOPER™ 414CTF Magnetic Contact [414CTF]
    Ref.: 414CTF
    Contacto Magnético COOPER™ 414CTFCOOPER™ 414CTF Magnetic ContactContacto magnético redondo de cobre para empotrar. Cable de 0,3m. Temperatura de trabajo : -25°C - +50°C. Contacto NC.Brass magnetic contact with high mechanical resistance for flush mounting on doors and windows. Reed contact with NC output with near magnet or changeover reed contact. Wire (2 for contact - 3 for changeover contact + 2 for anti-tampering). -25°C to +70°C. IP 65. Anti-tampering wires. 10 pcs./package.
    COOPER™ 460S Magnetic Contact [460S]
    COOPER™ 460S Magnetic Contact [460S]
    Ref.: 460S
    Contacto Magnético COOPER™ 460SCOOPER™ 460S Magnetic ContactContacto magnético de aluminio superficie. Apertura 21 mm. Construido en aluminio de estructura robusta, siendo adecuado para aplicaciones en fábricas, tiendas, comercial, etc... Aplicable para montaje sobre cualquier tipo de superficie como metal, aluminio, madera, PVC, etc... Reed con salida NC. Conexión de tipo A. Temperatura. -10 ° C a + 40 ° C.Aluminum magnetic contact for surface mounting. Thanks to its solid die-cast aluminum structure, it is suitable for applications in factories, shopping malls, etc. Its long operating distance allows the use on frames of any material and with large play. Available with wire and terminal connection (462 model). The wire connected version has a reed section that contains a tight reed with polyurethane resin and an anti-tampering loop to reduce violation risks. The terminal connected version is provided with tear-off protection and a printed circuit board that can house balancing resistors. Arranged to be protected with a 10 mm diameter black PVC coated steel cable sheath (not included).
    COOPER™ 462M Magnetic Contact [462M]
    COOPER™ 462M Magnetic Contact [462M]
    Ref.: 462M
    Contacto Magnético COOPER™ 462MCOOPER™ 462M Magnetic ContactContacto magnético de aluminio superficie. Apertura 20 mm. Construido en aluminio de estructura robusta, siendo adecuado para aplicaciones en fábricas, tiendas, comercial, etc... Terminales de conexión. Reed con salida NC. Conexión de tipo A. Temperatura. -10 ° C a + 40 ° C. Grado de protección IP 34. Tamper antisabotaje.Aluminum magnetic contact for surface mounting. Thanks to its solid die-cast aluminum structure, it is suitable for applications in factories, shopping malls, etc. Its long operating distance allows the use on frames of any material and with large play. Available with wire and terminal connection (462 model). The wire connected version has a reed section that contains a tight reed with polyurethane resin and an anti-tampering loop to reduce violation risks. The terminal connected version is provided with tear-off protection and a printed circuit board that can house balancing resistors. Arranged to be protected with a 10 mm diameter black PVC coated steel cable sheath (not included).
    CQR™ BCMB/BL/PLUS Outdoor Siren [BCMB/BL/PLUS]
    CQR™ BCMB/BL/PLUS Outdoor Siren [BCMB/BL/PLUS]
    Ref.: BCMB/BL/PLUS
    Sirena Exterior CQR™ BCMB/BL/PLUSCQR™ BCMB/BL/PLUS Outdoor SirenBase sirena ext. MULTIBOX Grado 3. Flash Xenon azul. 115 dB. A la base Multibox se puede añadir una de las seis cubiertas en forma individual para satisfacer las necesidades. La base está alojada en una caja de policarbonato de 3 mm y tiene una cubierta interior de 1.5mm SAN para proteger la electrónica, la batería y la luz estroboscópica.The Multibox is available in two versions, standard and plus, to which you can add one of six individually shaped covers to meet your requirements. The sounder base unit is housed in a 3mm poly-carbonate case and has an inner cover of 1.5mm SAN to protect the electronics, battery and strobe.The standard version has a single piezo sounder, with a sound output of 115dB(A) @ 1m with a wall and cover tamper protection. The plus version offers twin piezo giving 118dB(A) @ 1m with wall, cover and screw tamper and the option of SAB or SCB operation. Both are easy to install using a typical 5-wire connection, the option of trigger-wire monitoring for sounder and strobe is also available. Both versions have RED and GREEN comfort LED’s which flash at 1Hz and also act as diagnostic indicators.
    CQR™ BCMB/BL/STD Outdoor Siren [BCMB/BL/STD]
    CQR™ BCMB/BL/STD Outdoor Siren [BCMB/BL/STD]
    Ref.: BCMB/BL/STD
    Sirena Exterior CQR™ BCMB/BL/STDCQR™ BCMB/BL/STD Outdoor SirenBase sirena ext. MULTIBOX Grado 2. Flash Xenon azul. 115 dB. A la base Multibox se puede añadir una de las seis cubiertas en forma individual para satisfacer las necesidades. La base está alojada en una caja de policarbonato de 3 mm y tiene una cubierta interior de 1.5mm SAN para proteger la electrónica, la batería y la luz estroboscópica.The Multibox is available in two versions, standard and plus, to which you can add one of six individually shaped covers to meet your requirements. The sounder base unit is housed in a 3mm poly-carbonate case and has an inner cover of 1.5mm SAN to protect the electronics, battery and strobe.The standard version has a single piezo sounder, with a sound output of 115dB(A) @ 1m with a wall and cover tamper protection. The plus version offers twin piezo giving 118dB(A) @ 1m with wall, cover and screw tamper and the option of SAB or SCB operation. Both are easy to install using a typical 5-wire connection, the option of trigger-wire monitoring for sounder and strobe is also available. Both versions have RED and GREEN comfort LED’s which flash at 1Hz and also act as diagnostic indicators.
    CQR™ BCMB/RD/STD Outdoor Siren [BCMB/RD/STD]
    CQR™ BCMB/RD/STD Outdoor Siren [BCMB/RD/STD]
    Ref.: BCMB/RD/STD
    Sirena Exterior CQR™ BCMB/RD/STDCQR™ BCMB/RD/STD Outdoor SirenBase sirena ext. MULTIBOX Grado 2. Flash Xenon rojo. 115 dB. A la base Multibox se puede añadir una de las seis cubiertas en forma individual para satisfacer las necesidades. La base está alojada en una caja de policarbonato de 3 mm y tiene una cubierta interior de 1.5mm SAN para proteger la electrónica, la batería y la luz estroboscópica.The Multibox is available in two versions, standard and plus, to which you can add one of six individually shaped covers to meet your requirements. The sounder base unit is housed in a 3mm poly-carbonate case and has an inner cover of 1.5mm SAN to protect the electronics, battery and strobe.The standard version has a single piezo sounder, with a sound output of 115dB(A) @ 1m with a wall and cover tamper protection. The plus version offers twin piezo giving 118dB(A) @ 1m with wall, cover and screw tamper and the option of SAB or SCB operation. Both are easy to install using a typical 5-wire connection, the option of trigger-wire monitoring for sounder and strobe is also available. Both versions have RED and GREEN comfort LED’s which flash at 1Hz and also act as diagnostic indicators.
    CQR™ Bouble Panic Button with Key [PADP/WH/G1]
    CQR™ Bouble Panic Button with Key [PADP/WH/G1]
    Ref.: PADP/WH/G1
    Pulsador de Atraco CQR™ Doble Blanco con LlaveCQR™ Bouble Panic Button with KeyPulsador de Atraco DOBLE en plástico blanco. Rearme mediante llave. Salida de contacto NC.Double Push Hold Up Device. Available in White Plastic. Latching. Selectable for Normally Open / Normally Closed. Indicator to show activation. Key Resettable. Spare keys available.
    CQR™ Bouble Panic Button with Key [PADP2/SS/G1]
    CQR™ Bouble Panic Button with Key [PADP2/SS/G1]
    Ref.: PADP2/SS/G1
    Pulsador de Atraco CQR™ Doble de Acero con LlaveCQR™ Bouble Panic Button with KeyPulsador de Atraco DOBLE en acero inoxidable. Rearme medianita llave. Salida de contacto NC.Double Push Hold Up Device. Available in Stainless Steel. Latching. Selectable for Normally Open / Normally Closed. Indicator to show activation. Key Resettable. Spare keys available.
    CQR™ Dummy Sounder [BCMB/BL/DUMMY]
    CQR™ Dummy Sounder [BCMB/BL/DUMMY]
    Falsa Sirena CQR™CQR™ Dummy SounderDUMMY Carcasa sirena MULTIBOX base azulDummy Multibox - Blue. The Multibox comes with a choice of 6 individually shaped covers to meet a selection of applications. Dimensions: W:140mm H:175mm D:58mm. Covers available: Virgo - Leo - Corona - Taurus - Aries - Libra.
    CQR™ Panic Button with Key [PASP1]
    CQR™ Panic Button with Key [PASP1]
    Ref.: PASP1
    Pulsador de Atraco CQR™ con LlaveCQR™ Panic Button with KeyPulsador simple de atraco, en plástico Blanco. Rearme mediante llave. Salida de contacto NC.Single Push latching Hold-Up Device provides silent operation. Available in White, Stainless Steel or Brass. Key Resettable. Size 70 x 53 x 27mm.