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    Products 4717
    DORCAS® X2 Door Loop [X2]
    DORCAS® X2 Door Loop [X2]
    Ref.: X2
    Pasacables DORCAS® X2DORCAS® X2 Door LoopPasacables rígido de 260 mm de longitud.260 mm long flexible rim door loop.
    Double Height AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS® Post [E/PST2/001]
    Double Height AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS® Post [E/PST2/001]
    Ref.: E/PST2/001
    Poste AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS® Altura DobleDouble Height AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS® PostPoste para integración de lectores de altura simple. Turismos y Camiones.Post for integration of readers - Double height - For car & truck
    Dual Card Input Hopper Module [89270]
    Dual Card Input Hopper Module [89270]
    Ref.: 89270
    Tolva DualDual Card Input Hopper ModuleTolva de entrada de tarjetas DUAL.Entry hopper for DUAL cards.
    Dual Side Printing Module + Card Encoder [89060]
    Dual Side Printing Module + Card Encoder [89060]
    Ref.: 89060
    Módulo de Impresión DUAL + Codificador de Tarjetas Dual Side Printing Module + Card EncoderMódulo de impresión DUAL + codificador de tarjetas de proximidad HID® Prox™ (sólo lectura), iCLASS™ y MIFARE®/DESFire®, y tarjetas de chip de contacto (lector OMNIKEY® 5121 y OMNIKEY® 5125).DUAL printing module + HID® Prox™ proximity card reader (reading only), iCLASS™ and MIFARE®/DESFire®, and contact chip cards (OMNIKEY® 5121 and OMNIKEY® 5125 readers).
    Dual-Input Card-Hopper [47722]
    Dual-Input Card-Hopper [47722]
    Ref.: 47722
    Bandeja de Tarjeta DUALDual-Input Card-HopperBandeja de tarjetas de entrada dual.Dual card inbox.
    Dual-Side Printing Module + HID® Prox™ Reader [89033]
    Dual-Side Printing Module + HID® Prox™ Reader [89033]
    Ref.: 89033
    Módulo de Impresión DUAL+Lector de Tarjetas HID® Prox™Dual-Side Printing Module + HID® Prox™ ReaderMódulo de impresión DUAL + lector de tarjetas de proximidad HID® Prox™ (lector OMNIKEY® 5125).DUAL printing module + HID® Prox™ proximity card reader (OMNIKEY® 5125 reader).
    Dual-Side Printing Module + Smart Card Encoder [89053]
    Dual-Side Printing Module + Smart Card Encoder [89053]
    Ref.: 89053
    Módulo de Impresión DUAL + Codificador de Tarjetas InteligentesDual-Side Printing Module + Smart Card EncoderMódulo de impresión DUAL + codificador de tarjetas de proximidad iCLASS™ y MIFARE®/DESFire®, y tarjetas de chip de contacto (lector OMNIKEY® 5121).DUAL printing module + iCLASS™ and MIFARE®/DESFire® proximity card encoder, and contact chip cards (OMNIKEY® 5121 reader).
    Dual-Side Printing Module [47435]
    Dual-Side Printing Module [47435]
    Ref.: 47435
    Módulo de Impresión DualDual-Side Printing ModuleMódulo de impresión a doble cara.Dual-side printing module.
    Dual-Side Printing Module [89001]
    Dual-Side Printing Module [89001]
    Ref.: 89001
    Módulo de Impresión DualDual-Side Printing ModuleMódulo de impresión a doble cara.Dual-side printing module.
    Dual-Side Simultaneous Lamination Module [88936]
    Dual-Side Simultaneous Lamination Module [88936]
    Ref.: 88936
    Módulo de laminación DualDual-Side Simultaneous Lamination ModuleMódulo de laminación a doble cara simultáneo.Dual-side, simultaneous lamination module.
    Dual-sided Simultaneous Lamination Module [88910]
    Dual-sided Simultaneous Lamination Module [88910]
    Ref.: 88910
    Módulo de Laminación DUALDual-sided Simultaneous Lamination ModuleMódulo de laminación de tarjetas a doble cara, simultáneo.Dual-side card lamination module, simultaneous.
    eAdvance™ (web pre-registration) per Web Server [EL-98000-EADV10]
    eAdvance™ (web pre-registration) per Web Server [EL-98000-EADV10]
    Ref.: EL-98000-EADV10
    Puesto eAdvance™ para HID® EasyLobby™eAdvance™ (web pre-registration) per Web ServerLicencia adicional de pre-registro eAdvance™ para servidor web ya implantado. eAdvance™ es un aplicativo web que permite a los empleados autorizados el pre-registro de visitas a través de un formulario web desde sus propios puestos de trabajo. El cliente tiene control absoluto sobre qué empleados pueden acceder a esta plataforma, controlando los permisos y toda la información que introducen en la BBDD del SVM™. Para clientes sin posibilidad de crear su propio servidor web, HID® proporciona hosting remoto por un coste adicional anual. Cosultar a EMACS®.eAdvance™ is a web-based application that allows authorized employees to pre-register visitors through a simple web browser form on theirown computer. The customer has full control over which employees are granted access to eAdvance™, and whether the registrations entered by certain employees need to be approved by someone else in the company before being added to the SVM™ database. eAdvance™ is sold as an enterprise license customers only need 1 copy regardless of how many SVM™ stations they deploy or how many employees they have. eAdvance™ is installed on a web server running Microsoft™ IIS. For customers that do not have their own web server, EasyLobby™ provides a hosting service for an annual fee.
    Easy MIFARE™ Compact Plate RS232 [701800029]
    Easy MIFARE™ Compact Plate RS232 [701800029]
    Ref.: 701800029
    Placa Easy MIFARE™ Compacta RS232Easy MIFARE™ Compact Plate RS232Placa MIFARE™ (13.56 MHz), con antena integrada, con interfaz de comunicaciones RS232. Soporta MIFARE™ estándar, MIFARE™ 4K, MIFARE™ Pro X, MIFARE™ Ultralight, MIFARE™ DESFire™ (sólo CSN), SLE66R35, SLE44R35 y tags ISO 14443A.MIFARE™ Plate (13.56 MHz) with embedded antenna and RS232 communications interface. Supports standard MIFARE™, MIFARE™ 4K, MIFARE™ Pro X, MIFARE™ Ultralight, MIFARE™ DESFire™ (CSN only), SLE66R35, SLE44R35 and ISO 14443A tags.
    Liquid error (snippets/product-list-item line 102): Could not find asset snippets/price-sale.liquid
    Easy MIFARE™ TTL Core [701800133-1]
    Easy MIFARE™ TTL Core [701800133-1]
    Ref.: 701800133-1
    Núcleo Easy MIFARE™ TTLEasy MIFARE™ TTL CoreNúcleo MIFARE™ (13.56 MHz), con interfaz de comunicaciones CMOS-TTL. Soporta MIFARE™ estándar, MIFARE™ 4K, MIFARE™ Pro X, MIFARE™ Ultralight, MIFARE™ DESFire™ (sólo CSN), SLE66R35, SLE44R35 y tags ISO 14443A.MIFARE™ Core (13.56 MHz), with CMOS-TTL communications interface. Supports standard MIFARE™, MIFARE™ 4K, MIFARE™ Pro X, MIFARE™ Ultralight, MIFARE™ DESFire™ (sólo CSN), SLE66R35, SLE44R35 and ISO 14443A tags.
    EasyLobby™ Visitor Management Bundle [EL-TURNKEY-BUNDLE]
    EasyLobby™ Visitor Management Bundle [EL-TURNKEY-BUNDLE]
    Paquete de gestión EasyLobby™EasyLobby™ Visitor Management BundlePaquete de gestión EasyLobby™ que incluye una licencia SVM™ v10, una clave de administrador, un escáner DL, un escáner de código de barras y una impresora de tarjeta de visitantes con 3.000 insignias adhesivas.EasyLobby™ Visitor Management Bundle includes one SVM™ v10 license, one administrator key, a DL scanner, a bar code scanner, and a visitor badge printer with 3,000 adhesive badges.
    EasyTouch [ET]
    EasyTouch [ET]
    Ref.: ET
    EasyTouchEasyTouchPantalla táctil de control remoto de tornos y puertas. Programable para un número ilimitado de tornos y puertas.Remote control console specifically designed for reception and security desk applications. Unlimited number of controlled lanes scalable to the specific site layout.
    EasyTouch/Desk [ETD]
    EasyTouch/Desk [ETD]
    Ref.: ETD
    EasyTouch/DeskEasyTouch/DeskPantalla táctil de control remoto de tornos y puertas. Programable para un número ilimitado de tornos y puertas. Preparado para la instalación en la mesa de recepción.Remote control console specifically designed for reception and security desk applications. Unlimited number of controlled lanes scalable to the specific site layout. Emergency button not available. Touch Panel/Desk - special designed version with stainless steel frame to inbuilt it to the reception desk.
    EDGE™ EVO SOLO ESH400 Controller [83000xKH]
    EDGE™ EVO SOLO ESH400 Controller [83000xKH]
    Ref.: 83000xKH
    Controlador EDGE™ EVO SOLO ESH400EDGE™ EVO SOLO ESH400 ControllerControlador autónomo con conexión TCP/IP para conexionado de lector sólo por interfaz Hi-O. Con carcasa plástica de recubrimiento. Standalone system controller with TCP/IP connection for one door, with free contacts for one reader and the possibility to connect an additional reader with the Hi-O module (connected by a CAN bus). Without RS485 bus connection. Plastic covering case.
    EDGE™ EVO SOLO ESHR40-K Interface/Controller [83120xKI]
    EDGE™ EVO SOLO ESHR40-K Interface/Controller [83120xKI]
    Ref.: 83120xKI
    Interfaz/Controlador EDGE™ EVO SOLO ESHR40-KEDGE™ EVO SOLO ESHR40-K Interface/ControllerControlador autónomo con conexión TCP/IP con lector HID® iCLASS™ R40 integrado, para 1 puerta, sin conexión a bus RS485. Posee módulo de 4 entradas y 2 salidas. Carcasa plástica de recubrimiento. Standalone system controller with HID® iCLASS™ R40 embedded reader, for 1 door, without RS485 bus connection. Includes an EDM-M expansion module. 13,56MHz compatibility. Plastic covering case.