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    Products 4717
    ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 2Amp Boxed Power Supply [1382N]
    ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 2Amp Boxed Power Supply [1382N]
    Ref.: 1382N
    Fuente ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 2AmpELMDENE™ 12 VDC 2Amp Boxed Power SupplyFuente de alimentación 12vdc 2 A en caja. Incorpora LED que indica de alimentación, LED carga de batería, LEDs fallo salida o fusible fundido. Anti-sabotaje. Máximo tamaño de batería 7 A. Medidas 350 x 330 x 80 mm.The ‘N’ range of power supplies has been specifically designed for General Purpose applications including Access Control and CCTV that require a cost effective solution without the need for special features that can be found on our other ranges of Power Supplies. Full Rated Current to Load + Battery Charging. LED Indication. Mains Status. Output Fuse Failure. Battery Fuse Failure*. Standby Battery Operation*. Electronic Overload Protection. Mains Transient Protection. Front Tamper Protection. *Dependant on model. Output (mains on): 13.8V dc nominal. Load Output: 1 Amp. Max Battery Capacity 1 A: 1x7Ah. Mains Supply: 230V ac +10%/-15%@50Hz. Environment: -10C to 40C @ 95%RH. Dimensions: 200 H x 230 W x 80 D (Hinge Lid). Range: 1.0A*. *Full current to load plus additional 0.5A for charging the standby battery.
    ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 3Amp Boxed Power Supply with Battery [EN3-34-R]
    ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 3Amp Boxed Power Supply with Battery [EN3-34-R]
    Ref.: EN3-34-R
    Fuente ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 3Amp con RespaldoELMDENE™ 12 VDC 3Amp Boxed Power Supply with BatteryFuente de alimentación 12 V, 3 A. En caja. Incorpora LED que indica de alimentación, LED carga de batería, LEDs fallo salida o fusible fundido. Anti-sabotaje. Capacidad baterías 2x17 Amp.The EN range of power supplies has been specifically designed to provide a comprehensive and flexible range for engineers designing Intruder Alarm Systems to grade 3 under PD6662:2010 / EN50131, with built in quality and reliability. Comprehensive Battery Management. Deep Discharge Protection. Battery Fault Detection (grade 3). Double Battery Model has independent Battery Charging & Monitoring. Dedicated Fault Outputs. EPS Fault (mains fail). APS Fault (battery fault) (grade 3). PSU Fault (general fault). Internal LED PSU Status. Full Rated Current To Load + Battery Charging. Electronic Overload Protection. Mains Transient Protection. Output (mains on): 13.8V dc nominal. Load Output: 34 Maximum 3.0A 12 hours - 2.8/3.0A. Mains Supply: 230V +10%/-15%@50Hz. Environment: -10C to 40C @ 95%RH. Enclosure Type R: 410 H x 390 W x 90 D (Clam Lid). Box Sizes for battery: '34' models: 2 x 17 or 18Ah 3.0A**. Standards: EN3 - Grade 3 Environmental Class II. **Full current to load plus additional current to charge standby battery.
    ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 3Amp Boxed Power Supply [1383N]
    ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 3Amp Boxed Power Supply [1383N]
    Ref.: 1383N
    Fuente ELMDENE™ 12 VDC 3AmpELMDENE™ 12 VDC 3Amp Boxed Power SupplyFuente de alimentación 12vdc 3 A en caja. Incorpora LED que indica de alimentación, LED carga de batería, LEDs fallo salida o fusible fundido. Anti-sabotaje. Máximo tamaño de batería 7 A. Medidas 350 x 330 x 80 mm.The ‘N’ range of power supplies has been specifically designed for General Purpose applications including Access Control and CCTV that require a cost effective solution without the need for special features that can be found on our other ranges of Power Supplies. Full Rated Current to Load + Battery Charging. LED Indication. Mains Status. Output Fuse Failure. Battery Fuse Failure*. Standby Battery Operation*. Electronic Overload Protection. Mains Transient Protection. Front Tamper Protection. *Dependant on model. Output (mains on): 13.8V dc nominal. Load Output: 1 Amp. Max Battery Capacity 1 A: 1x7Ah. Mains Supply: 230V ac +10%/-15%@50Hz. Environment: -10C to 40C @ 95%RH. Dimensions: 200 H x 230 W x 80 D (Hinge Lid). Range: 1.0A*. *Full current to load plus additional 0.5A for charging the standby battery.
    ELMDENE™ 4SM  Magnetic Contact [4SM-100]
    ELMDENE™ 4SM Magnetic Contact [4SM-100]
    Ref.: 4SM-100
    Contacto Magnético ELMDENE™ 4SMELMDENE™ 4SM Magnetic ContactContacto magnético de superficie en aluminio. Conexión mediante 4 contactos de Rodio para larga duración. Tamper. Totalmente encapsulado. Instalación sencilla. Grado 2.Surface mounting contact fully encapsulated ideal for general purpose applications. Long Life Rhodium contacts. 4 wire connection. Passive tamper. Fully encapsulated. Aluminium body. Simple installation. EN50131-2-6 Grade 2.
    ELMDENE™ EN3-LSC-GN Magnetic Contact [EN3-LSC-GN]
    ELMDENE™ EN3-LSC-GN Magnetic Contact [EN3-LSC-GN]
    Ref.: EN3-LSC-GN
    Contacto Magnético ELMDENE™ EN3-LSC-GNELMDENE™ EN3-LSC-GN Magnetic ContactContacto magnético de superficie con resistencia de 1K integrada. Se suministra con un cable de 1 metro de largo. Medidas 93 x 5 x 25 mm.Plastic sufrace contact, 6 wires, resistors 1k/1k, gap 11mm, cable 1m, polarized. Surface plastic contact for use on wood or aluminium, internal resistors, incorporating magnetic detection / immunity. Size: 93 x 5 x 25 mm.
    ELMDENE™ EN3-LSC-YL Magnetic Contact [EN3-LSC-YL]
    ELMDENE™ EN3-LSC-YL Magnetic Contact [EN3-LSC-YL]
    Ref.: EN3-LSC-YL
    Contacto Magnético ELMDENE™ EN3-LSC-YLELMDENE™ EN3-LSC-YL Magnetic ContactContacto magnético superficie ABS. IP67. Resistencia EOL 1K. Cable 1 m x 6 hilos. IP67. Medidas 70 x 17 x 15 mm.Aluminium sufrace contact, 6 wires, resistors 1k/1k, gap 22mm, cable 1m, polarized. Surface plastic contact for use on wood or aluminium, internal resistors, incorporating magnetic detection / immunity. Size: 70 x 17 x 15 mm. IP67.
    ELMDENE™ EN3-QFC-GN Magnetic Contact [EN3-QFC-GN]
    ELMDENE™ EN3-QFC-GN Magnetic Contact [EN3-QFC-GN]
    Ref.: EN3-QFC-GN
    Contacto Magnético ELMDENE™ EN3-QFC-GNELMDENE™ EN3-QFC-GN Magnetic ContactContacto magnético para empotrar con resistencia de 1K. Cable de 6 hilos con resistencia final de línea integrada. Protección IP67. Fondo: 23mm. Fondo del magnético: 13, Borde superior: 36x22.5. Plastic flush contact, plastic, 6 wires, resistors 1k/1k, gap 13mm, cable 1m. This MG contact is available with following EOL resistors too: 4k7/2k2, 8k2/8k2, 4k7/4k7, 6k8/4k7, 5k6/5k6 and 2k2/2k2.
    ELMDENE™ EN3-QSC-GN Magnetic Contact [EN3-QSC-GN]
    ELMDENE™ EN3-QSC-GN Magnetic Contact [EN3-QSC-GN]
    Ref.: EN3-QSC-GN
    Contacto Magnético ELMDENE™ EN3-QSC-GNELMDENE™ EN3-QSC-GN Magnetic ContactContacto magnético de superficie ABS. IP67. Con resistencia EOL de 1K. Cable 1 m x 6 hilos. Medidas 70 x 17 x 15 mm.Surface Contact - Grade 3 - Small - Plastic (white). Potted, 6 wire with 1m cable tail, 11mm operating gap. Integral 1k/1k resistors. For use in FSL or DP systems, single or multiple doors. Size: 70 x 17 x 15 mm. IP67.
    ELMDENE™ EN3-RSA-GN Magnetic Contact [EN3-RSA-GN]
    ELMDENE™ EN3-RSA-GN Magnetic Contact [EN3-RSA-GN]
    Ref.: EN3-RSA-GN
    Contacto Magnético ELMDENE™ELMDENE™ EN3-RSA-GN Magnetic ContactContacto magnético superficie abatible con resistencia de 1K. Fabricado en aluminio de alta resistencia. Color plata. Cable de conexión de 1 metro. Medidas 150 x 40 x 14mm. Fabricado acorde a la norma EN50131.6 Wire 18mm Surface Contact with 1k/1k Resistor (Green), Grade 3 - Silver. Dimensions (L X W X D): 150 X 40 X 14. Cable Length (cm): 100. Material: Aluminium.
    ELMDENE™ INT400 Siren [INT400]
    ELMDENE™ INT400 Siren [INT400]
    Ref.: INT400
    Sirena ELMDENE™ INT400ELMDENE™ INT400 SirenSe utiliza para la notificación de una condición de alarma generada por un intruso, atraco u otro sistema de alarma. En respuesta a los comandos del panel de control del sistema de alarma, emitirá un sonido de alta intensidad. Detectará cualquier intento de obtener acceso no autorizado al dispositivo por la eliminación de la cubierta, o cualquier intento de manipulación de su superficie de montaje. Esto generará una señal de sabotaje. Se clasifica como una sirena accionada a distancia y se alimenta a través de una fuente de alimentación externa. Tiene una batería de a bordo que se recarga a través de la fuente de alimentación externa. Esta batería se utiliza para accionar la sirena si se elimina la fuente de alimentación externa a la más sólida. 110 dB (A) de salida. Operación a 12V de tensión continua. Cubierta de policarbonato y placa posterior. 2 vías protección contra la manipulación: cubierta, trasera. Negativa de retorno de Sabotaje y Monitoreo Línea Anillo (con panel de compatibles). Detección de fallos de suministro Hold-off. Sonido del temporizador de corte seleccionable. Full SAB utilizando la batería interna (INT400S).The INT400 sounder is used for notification of an alarm condition as generated within an intruder, hold-up or other alarm system. 110dB(A) siren output. 12V dc voltage operation. Polycarbonate cover and backplate. 2 way tamper protection: cover, rear. Negative Tamper return and Ring Line Monitoring (with compatible panel). Hold-off supply failure detection. Selectable sound auto cut-off timer. Full SAB using internal battery (INT400S).
    ELMDENE™ Quartz Outdoor Siren [QTZ-1000-G2-WB]
    ELMDENE™ Quartz Outdoor Siren [QTZ-1000-G2-WB]
    Ref.: QTZ-1000-G2-WB
    Sirena Exterior ELMDENE™ QuartzELMDENE™ Quartz Outdoor SirenSirena exterior Quartz blanca/azul de alta eficiencia operativa. Consumo de 17mA en reposo, y 130mA en activo. The Quartz sounder is used for notification of an alarm condition as generated within an intruder, holdup or other alarm system. In response to commands from the alarm system control panel, the Quartz will emit a high intensity sound and/or operate a visual flash. The Quartz will detect any attempt to gain unauthorised access to the sounder by removal of the cover, or any attempt to remove it away from its mounting surface. This will generate a tamper signal which is normally fed back to the alarm control panel. The Quartz is classified a self powered sounder and has an on-board battery which is recharged via the external power source. This battery is used to operate the sounder if the external power is removed. The Quartz can be configured to self actuate (SAB Mode ON) in the event that a tamper condition is detected or the external power to the sounder is removed. To assist with commissioning, the Quartz has an Engineer Mode to provide silent start-up. Two Comfort LEDs are used to provide a heart-beat type visual indication when the Quartz is not sounding.
    EMACS® SRM Totem for Fixed Camera [EM-TOT-CF]
    EMACS® SRM Totem for Fixed Camera [EM-TOT-CF]
    Ref.: EM-TOT-CF
    Tótem SRM EMACS® para Cámara FijaEMACS® SRM Totem for Fixed CameraTótem con mecanizado interno para cámara fija s/especificaciones en chapa de 2mm APO-4. Pintado epoxy-poliuretano de para exteriores dos colores. Admite personalización a medida.Totem with internal mechanized for fixed camera. Specification on 2mm APO-4 sheet. Painted: epoxy-polyurethane, two colors. Admits tailored customization.
    EMACS® SRM Totem for Minidome [EM-TOT-MD]
    EMACS® SRM Totem for Minidome [EM-TOT-MD]
    Ref.: EM-TOT-MD
    Tótem SRM EMACS® para MinidomoEMACS® SRM Totem for MinidomeTótem con mecanizado interno para minidomo s/especificaciones en chapa de 2mm APO-4. Pintado epoxy-poliuretano de para exteriores dos colores. Admite personalización a medida.Totem with internal mechanized for mini dome. Specification on 2mm APO-4 sheet. Painted: epoxy-polyurethane, two colors. Admits tailored customization.
    EM™ 4102 Card with Magstripe [OEM-1380B]
    EM™ 4102 Card with Magstripe [OEM-1380B]
    Ref.: OEM-1380B
    Tarjeta EM™ 4102 con Banda MagnéticaEM™ 4102 Card with MagstripeTarjeta Electronic Marin™ ISO CR-80 de proximidad 125 KHz sin chip de contacto. Fabricada en PVC. Incluye banda magnética no programada de alta coercitividad.Tarjeta Electronic Marin™ ISO CR-80 de proximidad 125 KHz sin chip de contacto. Fabricada en PVC. Incluye banda magnética no programada de alta coercitividad.
    EM™ 4102 Card [OEM-1380]
    EM™ 4102 Card [OEM-1380]
    Ref.: OEM-1380
    Tarjeta EM™ 4102EM™ 4102 CardTarjeta Electronic Marin™ ISO CR-80 de proximidad 125 KHz sin chip de contacto. Fabricada en PVC, sin banda magnética.Electronic Marin™ ISO CR-80 contactess 125 KHz proximity card. Made of PVC. With magnetic stripe.
    Enclosure for DAHUA™ IP Video Intercom [VTOB108]
    Enclosure for DAHUA™ IP Video Intercom [VTOB108]
    Ref.: VTOB108
    Carcasa para Interfono IP DAHUA™Enclosure for DAHUA™ IP Video IntercomAccesorio para montaje en superficie. Dimensiones: 145 x 134 x 88 mm.Accessory for surface mount.
    ENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 0.8 Ah [MV1208]
    ENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 0.8 Ah [MV1208]
    Ref.: MV1208
    Batería ENERGIVM® Serie MV 0.8 AhENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 0.8 AhBateria hermética de plomo ácido de rendimiento estándar. Tensión de salida de 12 VDC, con una intensidad de corriente de 0.8 Amperios/hora.Sealed lead-acid battery with standard performance. VDC output voltage of 12, with 0.8 amps/hour current.
    ENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 1.3 Ah [MV1213]
    ENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 1.3 Ah [MV1213]
    Ref.: MV1213
    Batería ENERGIVM® Serie MV 1.3 AhENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 1.3 AhBateria hermética de plomo ácido de rendimiento estándar. Tensión de salida de 12 VDC, con una intensidad de corriente de 1.3 Amperios/hora.Sealed lead-acid battery with standard performance. VDC output voltage of 12, with 1.3 amps/hour current.
    ENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 12.0 Ah [MV12120]
    ENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 12.0 Ah [MV12120]
    Ref.: MV12120
    Batería ENERGIVM® Serie MV 12.0 AhENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 12.0 AhBateria hermética de plomo ácido de rendimiento estándar. Tensión de salida de 12 VDC, con una intensidad de corriente de 12.0 Amperios/hora.Sealed lead-acid battery with standard performance. VDC output voltage of 12, with 12.0 amps/hour current.
    ENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 2.3 Ah [MV1223]
    ENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 2.3 Ah [MV1223]
    Ref.: MV1223
    Batería ENERGIVM® Serie MV 2.3 AhENERGIVM® Battery MV Serie 2.3 AhBateria hermética de plomo ácido de rendimiento estándar. Tensión de salida de 12 VDC, con una intensidad de corriente de 2.3 Amperios/hora.Sealed lead-acid battery with standard performance. VDC output voltage of 12, with 2.3 amps/hour current.