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    Networking - products

    Products 299
    PLANET™Transmitter PoE VC-203PT Ethernet-Coax [VC-203PT]
    PLANET™Transmitter PoE VC-203PT Ethernet-Coax [VC-203PT]
    Ref.: VC-203PT
    Transmisor PoE PLANET™ VC-203PT Ethernet-CoaxPLANET™Transmitter PoE VC-203PT Ethernet-CoaxIEEE802.3 en POE+ Sobre Transmisor Coaxial IEEE802.3 at POE+ over Coaxial Transmitter
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-SR [MTB-SR]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-SR [MTB-SR]
    Ref.: MTB-SR
    Transceptor PLANET™ MTB-SRPLANET™ Transceiver MTB-SR10G SFP+ Transceptor de fibra (Multi-modo)10G SFP+ Fiber Transceiver (Multi-mode)
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LR [MTB-LR]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LR [MTB-LR]
    Ref.: MTB-LR
    Transceptor PLANET™ MTB-LRPLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LR10G SFP+ Transceptor de fibra (Modo único)10G SFP+ Fiber Transceiver (Single-Mode)
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB60 [MTB-LB60]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB60 [MTB-LB60]
    Ref.: MTB-LB60
    Transceptor PLANET™ MTB-LB60PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB6010G SFP+ Transceptor de fibra (WDM, TX:1330nm, RX:1270nm) - 60KM10G SFP+ Fiber Transceiver (WDM, TX:1330nm, RX:1270nm) - 60KM
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB40 [MTB-LB40]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB40 [MTB-LB40]
    Ref.: MTB-LB40
    Transceptor PLANET™ MTB-LB40PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB4010G SFP+ Transceptor de fibra (WDM, TX:1330nm, RX:1270nm) - 40KM10G SFP+ Fiber Transceiver (WDM, TX:1330nm, RX:1270nm) - 40KM
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB20 [MTB-LB20]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB20 [MTB-LB20]
    Ref.: MTB-LB20
    Transceptor PLANET™ MTB-LB20PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LB2010G SFP+ Transceptor de fibra (WDM, TX:1330nm, RX:1270nm) - 20KM10G SFP+ Fiber Transceiver (WDM, TX:1330nm, RX:1270nm) - 20KM
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA60 [MTB-LA60]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA60 [MTB-LA60]
    Ref.: MTB-LA60
    Transceptor PLANET™ MTB-LA60PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA6010G SFP+ Transceptor de fibra (WDM, TX:1270nm, RX:1330nm) - 60KM10G SFP+ Fiber Transceiver (WDM, TX:1270nm, RX:1330nm) - 60KM
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA40 [MTB-LA40]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA40 [MTB-LA40]
    Ref.: MTB-LA40
    Transceptor PLANET™ MTB-LA40PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA4010G SFP+ Transceptor de fibra (WDM, TX:1270nm, RX:1330nm) - 40KM10G SFP+ Fiber Transceiver (WDM, TX:1270nm, RX:1330nm) - 40KM
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA20 [MTB-LA20]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA20 [MTB-LA20]
    Ref.: MTB-LA20
    Transceptor PLANET™ MTB-LA20PLANET™ Transceiver MTB-LA2010G SFP+ Transceptor de fibra (WDM, TX:1270nm, RX:1330nm) - 20KM10G SFP+ Fiber Transceiver (WDM, TX:1270nm, RX:1330nm) - 20KM
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FX [MFB-FX]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FX [MFB-FX]
    Ref.: MFB-FX
    Transceptor PLANET™ MFB-FXPLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FXTransceptor de fibra Multi-modo 100Mbps SFP (2KM)Multi-mode 100Mbps SFP fiber transceiver (2KM)
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FB20 [MFB-FB20]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FB20 [MFB-FB20]
    Ref.: MFB-FB20
    Transceptor PLANET™ MFB-FB20PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FB20WDM Tx-1550, 20KM, Transceptor de fibra 100Mbps SFP WDM Tx-1550, 20KM, 100Mbps SFP fiber transceiver
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FA20 [MFB-FA20]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FA20 [MFB-FA20]
    Ref.: MFB-FA20
    Transceptor PLANET™ MFB-FA20PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-FA20WDM Tx-1310, 20KM, Transceptor de fibra 100Mbps SFP WDM Tx-1310, 20KM, 100Mbps SFP fiber transceiver
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F60 [MFB-F60]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F60 [MFB-F60]
    Ref.: MFB-F60
    Transceptor PLANET™ MFB-F60PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F6060KM Modo único, Transceptor de fibra 100Mbps SFP Single Mode 60KM, 100Mbps SFP fiber transceiver
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F40 [MFB-F40]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F40 [MFB-F40]
    Ref.: MFB-F40
    Transceptor PLANET™ MFB-F40PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F4040KM Modo único, Transceptor de fibra 100Mbps SFP Single Mode 40KM, 100Mbps SFP fiber transceiver
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F20 [MFB-F20]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F20 [MFB-F20]
    Ref.: MFB-F20
    Transceptor PLANET™ MFB-F20PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F2020KM Modo único, Transceptor de fibra 100Mbps SFP Single Mode 20KM, 100Mbps SFP fiber transceiver
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F120 [MFB-F120]
    PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F120 [MFB-F120]
    Ref.: MFB-F120
    Transceptor PLANET™ MFB-F120PLANET™ Transceiver MFB-F120120KM Modo único, Transceptor de fibra 100Mbps SFP Single Mode 120KM, 100Mbps SFP fiber transceiver
    PLANET™ Switch PoE GSD-804P [GSD-804P]
    PLANET™ Switch PoE GSD-804P [GSD-804P]
    Ref.: GSD-804P
    Switch PoE PLANET™ GSD-804PPLANET™ Switch PoE GSD-804PSwitch Gigabit Ethernet GSD-804P, 8 Puertos 10/100/1000Mbps, 16 Gbit/s, 8000 Entradas (55W)"10"" 8-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 4-Port 802.3af PoE Injector (55W)"
    PLANET™ Switch PoE FSD-804P [FSD-804P]
    PLANET™ Switch PoE FSD-804P [FSD-804P]
    Ref.: FSD-804P
    Switch PoE PLANET™ FSD-804PPLANET™ Switch PoE FSD-804P"Switch Ethernet 10"" de 8 puertos 10/100 con 4 puertos 802.3af Inyector PoE (55W)""10"" 8-Port 10/100 Ethernet Switch with 4-Port 802.3af PoE Injector (55W)"
    PLANET™ Switch PoE FNSW-1600P [FNSW-1600P]
    PLANET™ Switch PoE FNSW-1600P [FNSW-1600P]
    Ref.: FNSW-1600P
    Switch PoE PLANET™ FNSW-1600PPLANET™ Switch PoE FNSW-1600P"Switch POE Ethernet 802.3af No gestionable 19"" de 16 puertos 10/100 (125W)""19"" 16-Port 10/100 unmanaged Ethernet 802.3af POE Switch (125W)"
    PLANET™ Switch PoE FGSD-910P [FGSD-910P]
    PLANET™ Switch PoE FGSD-910P [FGSD-910P]
    Ref.: FGSD-910P
    Switch PoE PLANET™ FGSD-910PPLANET™ Switch PoE FGSD-910PSwitch PoE de 8 Puertos PoE 100BaseTX + 1 Puerto 100/1000Base-T con 150W de Potencia Total (130W)"13"" 8-Port 10/100 Ethernet 802.3af POE Switch with 1-Port Gigabit Uplink (130W)"
    PLANET™ Switch High PoE GSW-2620HP [GSW-2620HP]
    PLANET™ Switch High PoE GSW-2620HP [GSW-2620HP]
    Ref.: GSW-2620HP
    Switch High PoE PLANET™ GSW-2620HPPLANET™ Switch High PoE GSW-2620HP"Switch Ethernet Gigabit No Gestionable 2 puertos 1000X SFP + POE 19"" 24 puertos 10/100/1000T 802.3at (220W)""19"" 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at POE + 2-Port 1000X SFP Unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet Switch (220W)"
    PLANET™ Switch High PoE GSW-1600HP [GSW-1600HP]
    PLANET™ Switch High PoE GSW-1600HP [GSW-1600HP]
    Ref.: GSW-1600HP
    Switch High PoE PLANET™ GSW-1600HPPLANET™ Switch High PoE GSW-1600HP"Switch POE+ Ethernet 802.3at Gigabit No Gestionable 19"" 16 puertos 10/100/1000 (220W)""19"" 16-Port 10/100/1000 unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet 802.3at POE+ Switch (220W)"
    PLANET™ Switch High PoE GSD-908HP [GSD-908HP]
    PLANET™ Switch High PoE GSD-908HP [GSD-908HP]
    Ref.: GSD-908HP
    Switch High PoE PLANET™ GSD-908HPPLANET™ Switch High PoE GSD-908HPSwitch Ethernet POE 8 puertos 10/100/1000 Gigabit 802.3at + Switch Ethernet Gigabit 1 puerto (120W con fuente de alimentación externa)8-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit 802.3at POE Ethernet Switch plus 1-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch (120W POE Budget with External Power Supply)