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    VINGCARD® - products

    Products 34
    Hardware Pack VINGCARD® + Network Configuration [GW-RT]
    Hardware Pack VINGCARD® + Network Configuration [GW-RT]
    Ref.: GW-RT
    Pack Hardware VINGCARD® + Configuración de RedHardware Pack VINGCARD® + Network ConfigurationIncluye interfaz de red Zigbee, fuente de alimentación del router/gateway, extensión de cableado para alimentación de los dispositivos y splitter para el router. Includes Zigbee network interface, router/gateway power source, powering cabling extension for devices and router splitter.
    Ref.: MOC-BLE
    MOC RFID VINGCARD® MobileMOC RFID VINGCARD® MobileLector especial para encastrar en paneles de ascensores. Basado en el modelo Signature RFID. Con hasta 8 relés de salida para el control selectivo del accionamiento sobre la botonera del ascensor. Es compatible con múltiples tecnologías en 13,56 MHz (plataformas MIFARE® [ISO 14443-A], ISO1443-B, ISO 15693, NFC y BLE para Mobile Access con tecnología SEOS®, entre otras) con codificación VingCard® anti-falsificación. Varios acabados disponibles.VingCard® Elevator Multi-Output Controller (MOC). RFID Elevator Controller for Visionline and Vision systems are designed to fit into elevator panels and can be operated off- or online. 7-8 relay outputs to selectively enable the elevator call buttons is delivered as standard. Interoperable with 13,56 MHz technologies (MIFARE® [ISO 14443-A], ISO1443-B, ISO 15693, NFC and BLE including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, among others) with anti-counterfeiting VingCard® codification. Can also control different devices such as electric strikes and motor locks.
    VINGCARD® MIFARE™ 1K Card [VC-1430]
    VINGCARD® MIFARE™ 1K Card [VC-1430]
    Ref.: VC-1430
    Tarjeta VINGCARD® MIFARE™ 1KVINGCARD® MIFARE™ 1K CardTarjeta ISO CR-80 inteligente de proximidad 13.56 MHz sin chip de contacto. Memoria MIFARE™ 1 Kbyte (16 sectores). Fabricado en PVC. Para entorno VINGCARD® HOSPITALITY.Contactless ISO CR-80 13.56MHz smart card, without contact chip. MIFARE™ memory with 1 KByte (16 sectors). Made of PVC. For VINGCARD™ hospitality environment.
    VINGCARD® Power Source [FA-MOC-RC]
    VINGCARD® Power Source [FA-MOC-RC]
    Ref.: FA-MOC-RC
    Fuente de Alimentación VINGCARD® VINGCARD® Power SourceFuente de alimentación necesaria para Controlador Remoto y MOC (lector de ascensores) VINGCARD®. 12-24 VDC (300-500 mA).Power Source needed for VingCard® Remote Controller and VingCard® Elevator Multi-Output Controller (MOC). 12-24 VDC (300-500 mA).