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    VISONIC™ MCT-302 Wireless Magnetic Contacts

    Reference: 0-2286-A
    The MCT-302 is a fully supervised, PowerCode magnetic contact transmitter. For UL installations, the MCT-302 is for use with the UL listed control unit, model PowerMax+ only. The transmitter includes a built-in reed switch (that opens upon removal of a magnet placed near it) and an auxiliary hard-wired input, programmable as either N.C. or E.O.L., for use with additional sensors - pushbuttons, detectors, door contacts etc. An on-board DIP switch allows the installer to disable the magnetoperated reed switch if only the auxiliary input is needed. The reed switch and the auxiliary input behave as separate transmitters, although they trigger the same RF transmitter. Each input has a unique 24-bit PowerCode ID, selected in the factory from over 16 million possible code combinations.
